Equality Objectives

Ravens Wood School stands against all forms of discrimination. As a school community, we must make every effort to show our commitment to equality and be vigilant to safeguard the laws which protect every one of us. Our aim is equality for everyone, not just a few. We must support those groups and individuals with protected characteristics* who remain at greatest risk of discrimination and unfair treatment which in turn, can lead to very unequal life outcomes. The school’s Equality Objectives should be read in conjunction with the Accessibility Policy, the Equal Opportunities Policy and the Disability Equality Scheme.


Long term aims - to inform our objectives and actions:

Long-term Aim 1: Strong and progressive equality and human rights protections for everyone at Ravens Wood.

Long-term Aim 2: Elimination of discrimination, victimisation, abuse, harassment, hate-crime and bullying based on protected characteristics.

Long-term Aim 3: Ravens Wood is a cohesive community that develops students that are resilient, fair and equal.

The school’s long term aims will be achieved through the following objectives:

  1. Promotion of cultural understanding and awareness of different cultural heritages and different religious beliefs within our school community
  2. Monitoring and promotion of the involvement of all groups of students in the extra-curricular life of the school, including leadership opportunities, including students with special educational needs and disabilities
  3. Actively close gaps in attainment and achievement between all students and groups of students; with a focus on students eligible for free-school meals, looked after students and all students that have one or more of the protected characteristics.
  4. Continue to improve accessibility across the school for students, staff and visitors with disabilities, including access to specialist teaching areas
  5. Endeavour to ensure diversity in the staff body and in leadership roles
  6. Ensure any incidents of discrimination, victimisation, harassment, abuse, hate crime and/or bullying against people as a result of them having one or more protected characteristics are dealt with swiftly and sanctioned and followed up, in adherence to the School’s behaviour policy
  7. Reduce the incidents of discrimination, victimisation, harassment, abuse, hate crime and/or bullying against people as a result of them having one or more protected characteristics by students in our school
  8. To build on our existing polices and interventions and develop a monitoring framework to measure progress towards community cohesion and the fostering of good relations

In addition to the shared Equality Objectives above, the School and the Trust stand united in an unflinching ambition to tackle racism in our communities and seek to develop a culture of active anti-racism.

* Protected characteristics are identified as per the Equality Act of 2010: Age, Disability, Gender reassignment, Marriage and Civil Partnership, Pregnancy and Maternity, Race, Religion or belief, Sex and sexual orientation

Should you have any questions or require support then please contact our Equality and Diversity Lead, Miss McKenzie, Director of Wellbeing via mmc@rws.uk.net.