Reading & Writing at RWS

 RWSCurriculum Transparent

The overarching aim for reading and writing at Ravens Wood is to promote and celebrate high standards of literacy by equipping students with a strong command of written language, and to develop a knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of reading and writing in different contexts. Reading and writing are developed through quality teaching and learning across the curriculum where students benefit from opportunities for silent focussed writing in all of their lessons.

We also actively encourage reading through our weekly reading lessons for Years 7-8 and our ‘Classic Reading’ programme for years 7-10. Writing is celebrated throughout the school and we encourage students to participate in writing competitions in school, locally and nationally.

Our reading and writing are also supported and inspired by our Poetry Anthology for Year 7 and 8, where students are learning poems by heart. Something we are extremely proud of at Ravens Wood is our own in- house Poet Laureate. We appoint the chosen student in this role annually. Our first, Barack Manfo-Marc was appointed in the role at the end of 2020, having submitted his profoundly moving and inspirational poem 'New year' and this role has been taken up for the academic year 2022-23 by Austin Colwell, whose poems, 'Winter' and 'Jubilee' perfectly marked times of reflection and celebration. The role is passed on at Christmas. The introduction of our own poet laureate is a now, treasured tradition that we hope to honour as a community for many years to come.

More information about reading and writing at Ravens Wood can be found in the attachment below.

We have always recognised the importance of cultivating an independent love of reading - both for pleasure and purpose. Our form tutors read with our students in Years 7 to 10 every week to provide a guided approach and encourage students to tackle challenging and rewarding texts. In addition to this, you can see below an array of short stories to dip into - with new texts added bi-monthly.

We have recommended 'free' sources of eBooks for students and their families to take advantage of but we appreciate the need to provide more permanent, easy access to quality reading material for all. Our KS3 Learning Commons/ Reading Room facility is stocked with popular and classic texts which are suitable for all reading ages, with plenty to inspire and challenge our young readers. Students in Key Stage 3 have regular access to the Reading room as part of their English lessons, it is also open for homework club every day after school.

In addition to our reading room, we also have a new virtual library, Browns VLeBooks. All students are able to borrow eBooks for free and read them on any device. Please see the video and PDF 'How To...' guide below. Since its inception, we've gradually been increasing the range of books available - but do please email through any suggestions of texts you would like to see included to Miss Hemetsberger: and she will endeavour to purchase them for you to borrow.

VLeBooks How To Guide (Click to view)

Class Readers

Please click the relevant year group below to download a copy.


Reading for Pleasure

> Click to download a list of Reading for Pleasure book recommendations for Years 7-11.

RWS500 Transparent Background and Flares

Year 7 and 8 Writing Challenge

The annual RWS500 competition is completed by Year 7 and 8 students. The task is to consider something topical that they have enjoyed reading (it could be anything from a newspaper, magazine, book – fiction or non-fiction or on the internet).

Students then explain what they have discovered that they did not know, would be interesting to their friends, and would be valuable for society at large (parents, teachers, employers, politicians, etc.) to be aware of and why?

Students write 500 words and submit their entry to Ms Lester, Headteacher. The entries are then shortlisted to 8 students, who join Ms Lester for a Seminar lunch with one of the School governors to discuss their writing.

The winning entries from 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2022 can be read and listened to using the links below.

2022 RWS500 Winning Entry Freddie Corke
2022 RWS500 Winning Entry Freddie Corke Recording
2020 RWS500 Winning Entry Ayaan Fathany
2019 RWS500 Winning Entry Lawson Waye
2019 RWS500 Winning Entry Lawson Waye Recording
2018 RWS500 Winning Entry Clay Watson
2018 RWS500 Winning Entry Clay Watson Recording