Pastoral Care
We believe that the pastoral care of each individual in the school community is of the greatest importance. Therefore we have a highly developed pastoral system to ensure that every student’s progress towards becoming a well-rounded individual is closely monitored.
We provide dedicated professional staff for students to confide in if they have concerns or worries. In most instances the student will approach his Form Tutor who is central to his life at the school. The relationship between Form Tutor and student is developed through daily contact in the Personal and Social Health Education and Citizenship lessons and during our morning 'Ready to Learn' session.
Parents will also have the opportunity to build relationships with the Form Tutor through parents’ evenings, contact by telephone, email or letter or via the students’ contact book.
We uphold values of respect and pride in our school and in ourselves. Therefore we expect students to address members of staff and each other with courtesy and to behave impeccably. We have established firm boundaries, which students know and understand.
Our Behaviour Policy can be found on the School Policies page.
Mobile Phones at Ravens Wood
A video overview can be found below along with an explanatory letter to Parents and Carers, a copy of our Policy Document and an FAQ Document for Parents and Carers.
Letter to Parents and Carers Re RWS Mobile Phone Policy from September 2021
RWS Mobile Phone Policy Document (School Policies Page)
RWS Students and Families Mobile Phone Policy FAQ