Enrichment Curriculum
OPPORTUNITY in enrichment activities
Ravens Wood's extra curricular opportunities are truly extensive.
There really is something for everyone.
What is the Enrichment School?
The broad and diverse programme of extra-curricular/enriching activities offered by all departments beyond lesson time. The Enrichment school organise a variety of international tours, expeditions and major events throughout the academic year and there are established links to community groups. Within the programme student success is facilitated, recognised and celebrated through a variety of internal and external strategies. The Enrichment school works alongside the PSFA to raise funds for specific and whole school projects. It links to the school's overriding ethos, objectives and Ofsted criteria.
What is the Aim of the Enrichment School?
We want every student at Ravens Wood to participate in the Enrichment programme as we have seen that students who take an active role in the enrichment activities display higher levels of self-esteem, a heightened sense of belonging, increased attendance and develop positive friendship groups. This can help improve the students’ moral and social development, health and wellbeing and academic performance. You will see from the extensive range of clubs and opportunities that we have on offer that there really is something for everyone.
Why is the Enrichment School Important to the School’s Success?
Anecdotal evidence recognises student participation in this programme can help improve academic performance by impacting positively on moral and social development, health and wellbeing, student self-esteem, attendance and punctuality. We are committed to undertaking further research in this area to be able to quantify the relationship between enrichment and wider performance measures.
What Provision is made for Students?
All departments are encouraged to offer subject specific extra-curricular provision and all students have access to this programme though the centralised ‘Enrichment Programme’ and termly/annual enrolment process. Some clubs and activities are offered to specific year groups or key stages.
How much does the programme cost Students?
Clubs may incur fees depending on running costs. Sports team players are asked to pay an annual subscription fee to cover the cost of maintaining kit and equipment, match day travel, competition and referees' fees.
In cases of financial hardship the School will always do its best to support students by paying part/all of the club/activity fees. Parents are requested to contact Mr Freds in the first instance Co-Curricular@rws.uk.net.
How are students informed if activities/clubs are rearranged/cancelled?
Parents receive a fortnightly Newsletter by email which gives details of any rearranged or cancelled clubs. Staff may also display notices on club specific notice boards within the school. Wherever possible, staff will speak to students directly to inform them of any changes to club running times and an email notification is usually sent home.