Provision for More Able Pupils
‘Unlocking full potential, maximising currency’
At Ravens Wood School, we believe that all students deserve to be stretched and challenged, to fulfil their potential. We aim to support our more able pupils by:
- Identifying more able pupils (MAPs), both upon entry to the School, and throughout students’ school life, recognising that different students experience different stages of development;
- Planning, designing and implementing an array of regular, meaningful interventions to stretch, challenge and deepen students’ learning and attitudes;
- Tracking, monitoring and being accountable for the progress of more able students;
- Accessing the pinnacle steam of our curriculum through threshold concepts, in order to open up new and previously inaccessible ways of thinking; and
- Outside of subject qualifications, all of Ravens Wood MAP/MAP+ students enjoy opportunities to develop their thinking skills, higher education options and workplace experience at an earlier age than many of their peers.
Identification of more able pupils (MAPs) at RWS:
Ofsted defines ‘most able’ and ‘more able’ pupils as those with Level 5 in English and Maths in KS2 tests, or those with a scaled score of above 110 under the new KS2 tests.
At Ravens Wood, we have extended this definition in order to maximise our cohort of more able pupils and have included students with a KS2 prior attainment score of 4.8 or higher in RWS11 and a scaled KS2 score of 108 or above in RWS8, 9 and 10.
For RWS12 and 13, identification of MAP students is based upon average GCSE point score. All students of 6.5 or above will be part of the more able pupil cohort.
In the absence of KS2 outcomes for our current Year 7 pupils this year, we have had to adapt our approach. We have therefore identified our more able pupils from the outcomes and projections of the Cognitive Ability Tests (CATs) RWS7 sat at the beginning of the academic year. Those who were identified as CAT High Attainers or Middle Attainers with projected GCSE average grades of 6.1 or higher have been placed into our more able pupil cohort.
Classroom practitioners will be expected to identify all MAP students and ensure challenge and stretch in daily lessons. These pupils will be indicated as ‘MAP’ on registers/marksheets.
However, additional focus will be given towards a subset of MAP pupils for monitoring and intervention – these students will be known as our MAP+ students. The criteria for this subset is:
- For RWS8-11, 112+ score on new KS2 SATS;
- For RWS7, CAT High Attainers;
- For RWS12 and 13, average GCSE point score of 7.5 and above; and
- Any student in any year group who is identified by Departments as making exceptional and accelerated progress in a range of subjects.
This subset of pupils will be indicated as ‘MAP+’ on registers. This distinction allows us to focus on our more able pupils as a cohort within the School, but also within on our most able as well.
Regular MAP/+ updates will be provided for RWS staff, as well as loaded as attachments to this webpage.
Please contact Mr Davis, Assistant Headteacher, on, should you wish to discuss any aspect of Ravens Wood's provision for our MAP/+ students.