Qualifications and Examinations

Exam Contingency Dates 2024

The awarding bodies have designated Thursday 6th June 2024 (PM), Thursday 13th June 2024 (PM) and Wednesday 26th June 2024 (AM & PM) as Contingency Days for examinations. These are additional days at the end of the exam period which will be used in the event of national or significant local disruption to the examinations. All examination candidates should ensure that they are available until 26th June 2024 should there be exceptional circumstances that require an awarding body to reschedule an examination.

Summer Exams 2024 - Timetable

> Summer Exams 2024 Timetable


It is the aim of Ravens Wood School to make the examination experience as stress-free and successful as possible for all candidates.

Hopefully, this section of the website will prove informative and helpful. Information on this page will relate to examination regulations and the procedures to follow as students prepare for examinations at Ravens Wood. A detailed information booklet is available here to explain the process in more detail. Please also refer to our Examinations Policies which can be found on our School Policies Page.

The Awarding Bodies (Examination Boards) set strict criteria which must be followed for the conduct of examinations and Ravens Wood School is required to follow these precisely. You should therefore, pay particular attention to the JCQ Information to Candidates, Controlled Assessments, Non-Examination Assessments and Coursework documents which can be found on the JCQ website.

If there are any queries at any time before, during or after the examinations please contact:

Examinations Officer: Mrs L Say - lsa@rws.uk.net

Examinations Office Telephone Number: 01689 869934

Examination Information for Students and Guardians

Please find below documents containing essential information for students & guardians. These documents must be read and adhered to for all public exams. Please ensure you read and understand them prior to all exams.

Summer Exams Timetable 2024
Guidance & Information for Students & Guardians
Information for Candidates - Coursework
Information for Candidates - NEA
Information for Candidates - Onscreen Tests
Information for Candidates - Preparing to Sit Exam
Information for Candidates - Privacy Notice
Information for Candidates - Social Media
Information for Candidates - Written Exams
Exam Room Poster - Unauthorised Items
Exam Room Poster - Warning to Candidates