Ravens Wood Academy of Media (RAMS)

The Ravens Wood Academy of Media (RAMS) is an enrichment with one goal, preparing students for a career in creative industry. There are a number of ways in which the academy will help students achieve this:

  • Workshops with professional media practitioners.
  • Five staffed timetabled sessions in the Media Department with a member of media teaching staff over a two week timetable.
  • Opportunities to enter national and international creative media competitions.
  • Equipment and guidance on creation of portfolio and showreels for use at interview in industry and at higher education.
  • Priority access to department resources.

A highlight of the RAMs calendar is the popular annual RAM Awards ceremony, hosted at a local cinema. The Awards ceremony highlights the creative moving image work of students from Y11 to Y13 across a range of technical and creative categories.

As a member of the Academy you will be given first refusal to the annual Media New York trip and a variety of other excursions throughout the year.