GCSE Results 2022

Ravens Wood School celebrates record-breaking GCSE results

Ravens Wood School is delighted to report an outstanding set of GCSE grades in 2022, once again:

  • Mathematics 9-7: 27%
  • Mathematics 9-5: 72%
  • Mathematics 9-4: 88%
  • English 9-7: 29%
  • English 9-5: 80%
  • English 9-4: 91%

RWS11 students achieved an incredible 681 grades 9-7 across all subjects (31% of all grades), of these, 110 elite Grade 9s were awarded to Ravens Wood students.

The number of students securing both English and Mathematics at 9-5 grades is an impressive 67%, with 87% achieving a Grade 4 or above in both English and Mathematics. In addition to the superb English and Mathematics results outlined above, other high performing subjects include:

  • Biology – 60% 9-7 grades
  • Chemistry – 48% 9-7 grades
  • Physics – 67% 9-7 grades
  • Computer Science – 38% 9-7 grades
  • Drama – 36% 9-7 grades
  • Geography – 34% 9-7 grades
  • Music – 39% 9-7 grades
  • PE – 46% 9-7 grades

Some examples of truly outstanding achievements by Ravens Wood RWS11 students include:

  • Oscar Witcombe: Eleven Grade 9s (English Language, Mathematics, Geography, German, Design Technology, PE, Religious Studies, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Statistics);
  • Denis Fetahu: Nine Grade 9s (English Language, Mathematics, Geography, German, Design Technology, Religious Studies, Biology, Chemistry and Physics);
  • Alexander Green: Nine Grade 9s (English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Design Technology, Statistics, Computer Science and Religious Studies);
  • Cole Knight: Eight Grade 9s (English Language, History, Geography, German, Media Studies, Religious Studies, Biology and Physics);
  • Luca Mehta: Eight Grade 9s (Mathematics, Geography, PE, Religious Studies, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Design Technology);
  • Tharun Selva: Eight Grade 9s (English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, French and Computer Science);

Commenting on the terrific results, Headteacher, Sally Spence, said, “We are delighted with these superb results, which shows our students have overcome the challenges of the last two years and we are extremely proud of them. To achieve 681 Grade 9-7s is remarkable. Our students’ performances across such a wide range of GCSE subjects shows the value and success of our broad and powerful Key Stage 4 curriculum. The vast majority of our students have secured grades which will unlock doors throughout their lives, and we are delighted for them. The continued hard work and dedication of our incredible staff makes this possible, along with the fantastic support of our parents and families”.

GCSE Results 2022