RWS Celebrates Continued Success

Once again, Ravens Wood School are celebrating a tremendous set of A Level results in 2019. These excellent results build on those achieved in 2018, which led to the School securing a positive progress score for A Level (Level 3 Value Added).

With over 200 students receiving A Level results, Ravens Wood students achieved over 550 qualifications. Of these, 23% were awarded A*-A, 46% graded as A*-B, and 76% A*-C. The School’s overall pass rate (A*-E) remained at an extremely impressive 98% in 2019. We are incredibly proud of our students; they have once again continued Ravens Wood’s fine tradition of securing excellent A Level outcomes.

Ravens Wood students continue to benefit from a broad Sixth Form offer; in 2019, students have particularly excelled in the Humanities, with Geography (27% A*-A, 77% A*-B), Politics (40% A*-A, 60% A*-B), Economics (67% A*-B), History (57% A*-B) and Sociology (82% A*-B) all achieving impressive outcomes. Likewise, the School’s languages continue to thrive at KS5, with French (33% A*-A) and German (25% A*-A) both performing strongly. Finally, Ravens Wood’s Science results remain extremely high, including Physics (21% A*-A, 57% A*-B).

The following students performed exceptionally well across each of their subjects:

  • George Herbert – Physics (A*), Mathematics (A*), Further Mathematics (A*) & Computer Science (A*).
  • Edward Holloway – Physics (A*), Mathematics (A*), Further Mathematics (A*), Biology (A).
  • Ben Jordan – Mathematics (A*), Geography (A*) and Further Mathematics (A*).
  • Sean Kenny – Mathematics (A*), Further Mathematics (A*), Computer Science (A) and Music (A).
  • Jack McCabe – Geography (A*), History (A*) and Biology (B).

Once again, Ravens Wood students are now accepting prestigious places at some of the top universities in the country, as well as some of the highest quality apprenticeships. Ravens Wood’s Headteacher, Sally Spence has congratulated all students: “We are extremely proud of all of our Sixth Form students, they have worked incredibly hard to secure truly remarkable results, across an impressive range of academic subjects. These excellent outcomes are only possible with the dedication, subject knowledge and hard work of our teachers. Congratulations to all of our students; we wish them the very best of luck in their next steps.”

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