RWS11 PPE1 (Mock Examinations)

As all RWS11 parents/carers and students will know, we are heading towards the first round of Pre-Public Examinations (mocks) for Year 11 students. These will take place from Monday 20th November 2017.

As such I am pleased to attached both an RWS11 update and a copy of the RWS11 PPE1 timetable. Please do read through both documents with your son over the coming days. It is important that your son is working hard at home in preparation for these mock exams, and your support will be invaluable in ensuring that students are on track.

We will have the mock results for each subject ahead of the Christmas break, and these will be sent home in a report before we break up at the end of the half-term.

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best wishes,

Mr Leitch
Assistant Headteacher

RWS11 1.6
RWS11 PPE1 Timetable November 2017