Ravens Wood Music Academy

Launched in September 2011, the Ravens Wood Music Academy will give talented students the opportunity to develop as elite performers, composers or technicians, with the potential for recognition of their achievements at a national level.

Since its launch the students of the Music Academy have been involved with many high profile local, national and international projects and organisations such as Bromley Youth Music Trust, Music for Youth (Regional and National Festival), ArtsTrain, University of the Arts, London and the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington.

Ravens Wood Music Department has a long tradition of success. Many former students have become professional performers or music industry professionals. The Academy has been set up to enable students to receive elite coaching and mentoring that will maximise potential and create opportunities for success, enabling access to the highest quality establishments for further Music education at the end of the Sixth Form.

Admission to the Music Academy is by audition only and Grade 5 or equivalent is the minimum standard; students will benefit from receiving timetabled Music Academy sessions in addition to mainstream sixth form classes. We expect students to be able to balance their musical commitments alongside their academic studies and therefore the ability to work to deadlines is incredibly important. Members of the Music Academy are required to perform at a number of school events throughout the school year, giving a wide range of performance opportunities. Commitment to Ravens Wood ensembles is also expected.

Performance and composition, arranging material and managing equipment will be honed and developed in Academy sessions. Academy students will be mentored individually and exposed to performance opportunities in and around London. They will attend trips, workshops and receive professional coaching. Academy members will showcase individual and group performance regularly throughout their studies.

There will be outstanding leadership opportunities available, offering students the opportunity to develop the skills to teach on their instrument, lead an ensemble or direct Academy rehearsals. Participation in competitions on a local and national level will also feature in the Music Academy schedule, as will students working towards nationally recognised qualifications such as Grade 8 examinations.

In addition to developing existing skills on their first study, the Music Academy also follows the Musical Futures model and offers musicians the chance to explore other instruments and styles including Music Technology.