Early Careers Teachers

Ravens Wood welcomes ECTs every year. All ECTs have an ECT Mentor in their subject area who will provide support, advice and guidance through weekly meetings in addition to our ECF Induction Tutor who oversees the Induction Programme.

Our ECTs are formally observed during the Programme and our Appropriate Body, Bromley Schools’ Collegiate will check that they continue to meet the Teacher Standards.

The 7 schools within the Impact Trust have formed our own ECT Cluster Group offering the Full ECT Induction Programme via a combination of face-to-face sessions, self-directed study and online discussions in conjunction with our delivery partner Thames South.

ECT Programme

The Full Induction Programme (FIP) comprises 3 parts:

The Core Induction Programme is completed using the UCL Extend Platform and all ECTs, ECT Mentors and Induction Tutors have full access to the programme resources. The ECT training programme and Mentor training programme is delivered by two experienced Thames South Facilitators at face-to-face meetings and online sessions.

If you have any questions about life as an ECT at Ravens Wood and what to expect, please contact either Mr G Hunt, gh@rws.uk.net or Miss C Prescott, clp@rws.uk.net.

Early Careers Testimonials (formally known as NQTs - Newly Qualified Teachers)

“I found my NQT year at RWS a great experience. I have developed so much in my role as a teacher, thanks to the excellent support provided by my mentor, as well as colleagues from other departments. The staff at RWS form a strong community and support each other in many ways. Discovering new ideas and strategies by observing teachers and attending Breakfast Club have been especially useful – I learnt lots of things I could apply directly, or with only minor tweaks, in my own lessons.

The feedback I have received during formal and informal observations has always been very constructive and I valued the meeting with our Headteacher to reflect on the year.

Top tip: don’t be afraid to ask for help – there will always be someone able and more than happy to support you!”


“This year has continued to ensure I am suitably meeting and exceeding the teaching standards through the support of my colleagues and NQT mentor. The KS4 curriculum was a real focus for me this year and as a result my lessons have become more fluid and engaging; allowing me to target individuals’ needs. Next year I endeavour to gain more of an insight into A level marking and my secondary subject Media Studies to continue developing as classroom teacher.

I feel that I am in the best possible place to continue learning and growing as a qualified teacher.”

JB - English & Media

“Top tip: Ask people for support or assistance....you will not be judged. Even the most experienced teachers need help sometimes. Support from everyone at RWS is what makes this is a great school to be at.”

TB - Computer Science

“Top tip: During your NQT year, collect as much evidence as you can along the way. Make an electronic folder for anything that you could associate with meeting the Teacher Standards. This will make it much easier to assemble your folder at the end of the year as you won’t have to try and create evidence from nothing!”

JE – Maths

“My mentor consistently pushed me to improve the weaker aspects of my teaching practice. There is some excellent provision regarding behaviour management strategies which helped me turn around any challenges in the classroom.”

DC - English

“Training and support happened year round with BFL clinics and Breakfast Clubs; it was really useful for discussing issues/ best practice with other teachers.”

NG - Maths

gh clp2

Mr G Hunt
Assistant Headteacher & BSC Senior Mentor

Miss C Prescott
Deputy Headteacher & ECF Induction Tutor